Sunday, September 12, 2010

8 things about dreams~~~~~

Everyone dreams—every single night—and yet we tend to know so little about our dreams. Where do they come from? What do they mean? Can we control them and should we try to interpret them? We spoke to the dream experts to bring you nine surprising facts about dreams. Read before snoozing.

1. Dreaming can help you learn.

If you’re studying for a test or trying to learn a new task, you might consider taking a nap or heading to bed early rather than hovering over a textbook an hour longer. Here’s why: When the brain dreams, it helps you learn and solve problems, say researchers at Harvard Medical School. In a study that appeared in a recent issue of Current Biology, researchers report that dreams are the brain’s way of processing, integrating and understanding new information. To improve the quality of your sleep—and your brain’s ability to learn—avoid noise in the bedroom, such as the TV, which may negatively impact the length and quality of dreams.

2. The most common dream? Your spouse is cheating.

If you’ve ever woken up in a cold sweat after dreaming about your husband’s extramarital escapade with your best friend, you’re not alone, says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, a dream expert, author and media personality. “The most commonly reported dream is the one where your mate is cheating,” she says. Loewenberg conducted a survey of more than 5,000 people, and found that the infidelity dream is the nightmare that haunts most people—sometimes on a recurring basis. It rarely has anything to do with an actual affair, she explains, but rather the common and universal fear of being wronged or left alone.

3. You can have several—even a dozen—dreams in one night.

It’s not just one dream per night, but rather dozens of them, say experts—you just may not remember them all. “We dream every 90 minutes throughout the night, with each cycle of dreaming being longer than the previous,” explains Loewenberg. “The first dream of the night is about 5 minutes long and the last dream you have before awakening can be 45 minutes to an hour long.” It is estimated that most people have more than 100,000 dreams in a lifetime.

4. You can linger in a dream after waking.

Have you ever woken up from such a beautiful, perfect dream that you wished you could go back to sleep to soak it all up (you know, the dream about George Clooney?)? You can! Just lie still—don’t move a muscle—and you can remain in a semi-dreamlike state for a few minutes. “The best way to remember your dreams is to simply stay put when you wake up,” says Loewenberg. “Remain in the position you woke up in, because that is the position you were dreaming in. When you move your body, you disconnect yourself from the dream you were just in seconds ago.”

5. Even bizarre dreams can be interpreted.

While it can be hard to believe that an oddball dream about your mother, a circus and a snowstorm can have any bearing on real life, there may be symbolism and potential meaning to be mined in every dream—you just have to look for it, says Harvard-trained psychotherapist Jeffrey Sumber. "The meaning of our dreams oftentimes relates to things we are needing to understand about ourselves and the world around us,” he says. Instead of shrugging off strange dreams, think about how they make you feel. “We tend to dismiss these dreams due to the strange components, yet it is the feeling we have in these dreams that matters most,” he explains. “Sometimes the circus and the snowstorm are just fillers that allow us to process the range of emotions we feel about our mother and give us the necessary distraction so we can actually experience that spectrum of emotion.”

6. Recurring dreams may be your mind’s way of telling you something.

Do you have the same nightmare over and over again? Loewenberg suggests looking for underlying messages in recurring dreams so that you can rid yourself of them. For example, a common recurring nightmare people have involves losing or cracking their teeth. For this dream, she recommends that people think about what your teeth and your mouth represent. “To the dreaming mind, your teeth, as well as any part of your mouth, are symbolic of your words,” she says. “Paying attention to your teeth dreams helps you to monitor and improve the way you communicate.”

7. You can control your dreams.

The premise of the new movie Inception is that people can take the reins of their dreams and make them what they want them to be. But it may not just be a Hollywood fantasy. According to the results of a new survey of 3,000 people, dream control, or “lucid dreaming” may be a real thing. In fact, 64.9 percent of participants reported being aware they were dreaming within a dream, and 34 percent said they can sometimes control what happens in their dreams. Taking charge of the content of your dreams isn’t a skill everyone has, but it can be developed, says Kelly Bulkeley, PhD, a dream researcher and visiting scholar at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkley, California. The technique is particularly useful for people who suffer from recurring nightmares, he says. Dr. Bulkeley suggests giving yourself a pep talk of sorts before you go to sleep by saying: “If I have that dream again, I’m going to try to remember that’s it’s only a dream, and be aware of that.” When you learn to be aware that you are dreaming—within a dream—you not only have the power to steer yourself away from the monster and into the arms of Brad Pitt, for instance, but you train your mind to avoid nightmares in the first place. “Lucid dreaming enhances your ability to learn from the dream state,” says Dr. Bulkeley.

8. You don’t have to be asleep to dream.

Turns out, you can dream at your desk at work, in the car, even at your kid’s soccer game. Wakeful dreaming—not to be confused with daydreaming—is real and somewhat easy to do, says Dr. Bulkeley; it just involves tapping into your active imagination. The first step is to think about a recent dream you had (preferably a good one!). “Find a quiet contemplative place and bring a dream that you remember back into your waking awareness and let it unfold,” he says. “Let the dream re-energize.” Wakeful dreaming can be used as a relaxation tool, but Dr. Bulkeley says it can also help your mind process a puzzling dream. “It creates a more fluid interaction between unconscious parts of the mind and wakeful parts of the mind,” he says.



hello people......^.^
which maybe half wolf half human....or something like that^.^

sudah lama aku meniggalkan blogku ini seorang diri.........
menangis....menderita.....sunyi sepi.....
blogku ini......

sampai ada yang tertanya-tanya.......
adakah blogku ini sudah hilang........
hilnag dibawa arus belajar!...^.^

al-maklumlah.......saya ini calon PMR.....
mungkin ini PMR yang terakhir.....
manalah tahu kan??^.^

by the way.....i just want to inform other PMR candidates....
that our PMR examination......
either....too easy....or too hard!!^.^

this is due to abolition of PMR examination......
yeah.....guess this is the last badge and i hope this examination.....
is easy!!^.^

apa-apa sahajalah......
tapi yang pasti ialah......
kita mestilah belajar bersungguh-sungguh........

sekarang ini......waktu untuk bersedia......
sepatutnya......segala soalan yang susah sudah diketahui......
tiada apa yang perlu dirisaukan....^.^

baiklah........alang-alang menyeluk pekasam....biarlah sampai ke pangkal lengan!...
di sini juga.......saya ingin mengucapkan......
selamat hari raya aidilfitri dan maaf zahir batin!!....^.^

thats all for now........
i think i will continue blogging next time......
which i dont know too!^.^


Saturday, September 4, 2010

utusan malaysia membangkit isu ttg tazkirah??=_="

Jumaat lepas......
penduduk di sekitar kawasan Seksyen 7.......
gempar dengan berita yang disiarkan.....

ARKIB : 03/09/2010

Perlukah tazkirah di antara solat?

BEBERAPA surau di Shah Alam dalam bulan Ramadan ini begitu ghairah sekali mengadakan tazkirah hingga ada yang menjejaskan perjalanan solat tarawih.

Mereka ini seolah-olah lupa bahawa tarawih hanya datang sekali saja setahun manakala tazkirah boleh diadakan bila-bila pun.

Tidak semestinya diadakan hingga terpaksa membahagikan sembahyang tarawih.

Para jemaah tidak perlu diperlakukan demikian, maka itu tarawih tidak harus dijadikan sebagai satu alat mahu memaksa orang mendengar tazkirah.

Malangnya inilah yang terjadi misalnya di sebuah surau di Seksyen 7 dan beberapa surau lain di Shah Alam.

Pengurusan surau-surau itu begitu ghairah sekali mahu memaksa orang mendengar tazkirah yang diatur hingga gamak melakukan tarawih empat rakaat sahaja untuk memberi laluan kepada tazkirah dan setelah itu menyambung kembali untuk 16 rakaat selebihnya.

Walaupun usaha ini dilakukan, masih ada jemaah yang meninggalkan surau apabila tazkirah hendak dimulakan.

Tentunya mereka ini kecewa dengan perlakuan demikian hingga sanggup meninggalkan surau untuk menghabiskan sembahyang tarawih mereka sendirian di rumah saja.

Apa pentingnya sangat tazkirah hingga melakukan hal begini? Apakah tazkirah tidak boleh diadakan selepas selesai tarawih atau kalau hendak sangat selepas lapan rakaat supaya jemaah diberi peluang untuk melakukan sekurang-kurangnya lapan rakaat berjemaah sebagaimana yang dituntut.

Bukankah sepatutnya surau disemarakkan untuk sembahyang tarawih yang hanya boleh dilakukan dalam bulan Ramadan saja?

Kenapa perlu diperlakukan demikian hingga membuat sebahagian daripada jemaah meninggalkan surau tanpa menghabiskan sekurang-kurangnya lapan rakaat berjemaah?

Apa penting sangat tazkirah hingga mahu memaksa jemaah mendengarnya. Inilah yang perlu direnungi pengurusan surau-surau terbabit.


Shah Alam


memang pelik sungguh otak dan minda si dalang yang membangkitkan isu ini......

apabila difikirkan secara teliti.....

memang ada benarnya......

tetapi....bukanlah surau demikian memaksa mendengar tazkirah!!...

ini juga demi masyarkat Islam yang mendahagakan pahala yang lebih....

ingat...Islam tidak memaksa!..^.^

tazkirah pula....bermaksud peringatan.....

jadi....pihak jawatankuasa surau hanyalah mahu memberikan peringatan kepada umat Islam....

yang lalai...terpesong...tertutup hatinya....agar mendapat hidayah!^.^

bukankah itu satu usaha yang suci??..

perlukah dibenci??

jawapannya tidak sesekali......

tempoh yang diambil untuk memberikan tazkirah juga tidak panjang....

hanyalah 30 minit....!!

adakah masih ada yang tidak puas dengan 24 jam=1440 minit=86400 saat=8640000 detik yang diberikan sehari?!?!

adakah pahala yang boleh dikatakan datang tanpa disedari pun kita menolak?

free of charge!..

jika kita tidur pada waktu itu pun mendapat pahalanya juga!...

jika kita imbas kembali......

solat terawih ialah solat untuk beristirehat....

jadi.....hukumnya ialah sunat muakad iaitu perkara yang sangat dituntut......

dan ianya sungguh berbeza dengan hukum wajib!...

wajib adalah seperti solat fardhu!...

yang sememangnya entah penuh atau tidak.....inikan pula mengada-ngada mahu solat terawih!!..

bukan saya di sini ingin memarahi pihak akhbar.....

cuma....saya menolak pandangan yang diketengahkan.....

dan saya pasti penduduk Seksyen 7 pasti menolak juga!...

lagipun....bukankah mendengar...terdengar...duduk di majlis ilmu itu.....

suatu ibadah??...

malah mendapat pahala yang berlipat lipat lipat kali ganda!!....

pada bulan Ramadhan....sudah berlipat kali ganda....

setelah selesai melakukan solat terawih 4 rakaat.....berlipat berganda-ganda....

selepas itu....sambung kembali solat terawih!...memang lipat terlipat berlipat ganda terganda bergandalah pahalanya!!!!

memang.....manusia zaman sekarang....

akan terus menerus menjadi jahat.....

akan menentang perkara yang baik^.^

segala pertuturan saya yang mengguris hati para pembaca.....

amatlah dikesali...dan mohon minta maaf....

tidak lupa...terima kasih dan assalamualaikum^.^


hidup bagai roda^.^

hidup bagai roda.....^.^
itulah ungkapan yang disebut-sebut...
oleh kawanku.....nabil^.^

walaupun aku teragak-agak ingin menumbuk kepala hidungnya.....
namun....itu aku anggap sebagai ujian Ramadhan^.^
dugaan sebagai kawan^.^

apa-apa pun.....saya ingin melanjutkan entri ini....
dengan menghuraikan lagi ungkapan di atas......
iaitu hidup bagai roda....^.^

berdasarkan "ustaz nabil"....
dia berkata bahawa....
hidup kadang kala berada di atas......kadang kala di bawah roda....

kadang kala senang.....kadang kala tidak senang....
begitulah formulanya bagi setiap perumpamaan yang diberinya.....
saya sokong semuanya^.^ (walaupun terpaksa)

aku ingat lagi.......ketika aku di tingkatan 1.....
aku selalu mendapat nombor 1....
dan aku ini tidak boleh dikalahkan.......

i am invincible.....
but alas.....when it comes to form 2 and form 3...
my day as an invicible boy was over..... conclusion is...
when i am so "clever"......
its like i am at the top of the wheel....^.^

but.....when i am not so "clever"......
i am a little downward....
its like i am at the bottom of the wheel^.^ you all understand??...
i hope yes...
i dont want to put more shame on me^.^

thats all for now.....
enjoy the Ramadhan.....
when it is still last^.^
