Monday, March 29, 2010


it so funny when i mention it like that.....
hear this....

1st....i woke up late.... mom like nag nag and keep on nagging....(not tired?!)
until we arrived at the LRT/komuter/train?!?!(either this)

we arrived as guessed.....LATE!!
we already saw the _____.....(question!^.^)
but when we want to enter......the door closed!!!!!

we was.........speechlessssss........
my mom and my bro just kept nag and nag and nag and gan=nag.....
until my ear explode!!....(cheezelma?!)

we wait until 30min!....
you know what they did??....
i tell you already......NAG!!!


we arrived after the boring.....ride....
then we walked to PWTC.....
and you know what??.....we are lost!!!....

so....we kept on walking....and found some people....
and just following(LOLZ!) them.....and i think they are suspicious.....
its relieving thing you know.....

we managed to enter the world of the PWTC.....
after the walking...flying...following...boring...fighting...standing...
and other __-ing you can think about!!

its not as fun as we=i thought......
it was so......what can i say.....BORING!!!!
boring=an emotional state where one dont have anything to do

we just bought PMR(!!!!) books....(it gives me a shiverring feeling!)
and others.....just for fun....!!!
yup...just for of them is...about "Diabetes"....(WHA!?!?)


we felt _____(question for you all~)
all the walkings....and we didnt even go to the "seberang"/across....!!!
my mom said....."nvm...dont la~" an obedient son....just follow my moms order....
i know....i have a good heart....
now thats yuck!!....

after that.....we want to go home.....
you know....we planned everything!!!!....
go to!!!

alas.....just a few of the plans going.....roughly!!
we went home a sad....amazed...satisfied...sorrow...odd...crazy....
and other feelings that suit yourself!!!~


we went home and go to the nasi arab....sek. 7~
and i eat a many!!....(wrong!)
with the green chilli....its so....MARVELOUSTO!!!...

btw.....the lamb meat price......increase!!!
so...nasi arab....original=RM10

and theres a lot of things i want to share.....
but i dont want....
my precious little cutie eyes of my readers ter-pluck out!

and thats for all now folks....(usually heard?)
see you next time....same time...same day....


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