Friday, April 30, 2010


hey taekwando members!!
i have good news for you all......

this 22 and 23 Mei.....maybe....
we have been called to break the Malaysia record.....
by breaking planks......

venue: Dewan 1Utama
time: (will tell after registration)
fee: free

if you want to join.......
just give your ic to sir....
or just tell me....

for more information.....
just go face to face.....
with me...^.^



ha...ha..ha..ha(luqman hakim)
di akhir bulan akademik ini........
saya memenangi 2 pertandingan!!.....

antara 4 pertandingan yang saya menyertai.........
4 pertandingan itu ialah.....pidato....pantun...azan...khutbah....
namun.....pantun dan khutbah sahaja yang dapat meraih kemenangan....!

pantun saya mendapat tempat pertama!!....
seperti di entri yang lalu......
saya antara yang mewakili sekolah!!....woot2!

tetapi......khutbah dan azan saya belum menceritakan lagi......
khutbah dan azan tidak perlu ceritalah......
buat malu sahaja nanti.......

satu perkara lagi......
azan terdapat banyak penyertaan!!
khutbah hanya 8 seingat aku......

saya mendapat nombor 3 antara 8 ahli itu.......
tidak terlalu bangga bagi saya......
kerana itu hanyalah permulaan......

akhir kalam.......imtiyaz paling banyak......
memenangi hadiah!!....^.^
terbilang yang kedua!




waahhh!!.......i love this song!!.....
its some sort harmony.....
with some talented voice!

i have the lyrics in arabic......
if anybody want it.......
just tell me^.^


special to Raja!!....

you must hear this song!!.....
you remember anything??^.^

its not im gay!!.....
its just.......its a song....

nvm......i think Raja dont remember it....
dont you?
well......just ignore it.....


theres a secret behind the song......
its not about me!....
one way or another!!


kesibukan melanda.....

sememangnya berlainan daripada tahun lepas.....
tahun lepas tidaklah begitu sibuk........
sebagaimana sekarang!!

anda mungkin jarang dapat melihat saya......
mengemaskini blog saya.......
mungkin hari Jumaat sahaja......

minta maaf kepada para pembaca saya......
yang mendahagakan informasi atau apa-apa sahaja yang akan saya berikan.....
minta maaf......

saya ghalibnya akan berada di sekolah......
lebih masa berbanding pelajar biasa.......
harap maklum......

selain itu.....saya juga kesuntukan masa.....
untuk berbual....bermain....
hal ini demikian kerana terdapat pelbagai kerja rumah yang diberikan.....

bukanlah saya ingin merungut.......
cuma....terasa sedikit tekanan yang berat......
walaupun memang itu tanggungjawab guru-guru.......

tambahan pula......kelas tambahan yang agak menyusahkan.......
saya tidak salahkan sesiapa dalam hal ini......
cuma ia mengambil masa yang lama untuk saya berjalan......

konklusinya......saya ini memang senantiasa di dalam kesibukan......
jikalau ada apa-apa yang penting hendak diberitahu.......
jumpalah saya secara perseorangan.....dalam niat yang baik...


siapa itu?

pernah sekali......
di dalam pertandingan yang dianjurkan oleh.....
sebuah suratkhabar......

iaitu mencari maklumat atau biodata......
tentang makhluk yang berada di sebelah.....orang yang sedang tunduk itu....
di sebelah orang yang sedang mengangkat tangannya.......

baiklah......saya tahu apa yang difirkirkan oleh pembaca sekarang......
tetapi....orang ini masih lagi hidup......
jika tidak silap......orang ini berada di Johor sekarang.....

ya......dia mungkin sudah mencapai 80 tahun.....
terdapat pemenang bagi pertandingan tersebut......
tetapi pesertanya ialah saudaranya.....maka....ia dibatalkan......

memang susah untuk mempercayai.......
tetapi itulah hakikatnya.....
mungkin-mungkin.....dia dah nyanyuk......harap-harap tak.....


Saturday, April 24, 2010

more pics....

disebababkan ini adalah permintaan orang ramai......
terpaksalah aku letak lagi......
harap-harap ini sudah memadai......

kalau anda melihat dengan teliti......
di bawah arnab itu ada banyak tahinya!!.....
tak berbau......bulat saja.....

arnab pic!

harap korang dapat bayngkan betapa besarnya arnab ni......
tapi kan......comel dowh!!...

p/s : satu cukop kan?
p/s 2: nk lgi visit umah aku~

last day!....~~

baiklah rakan-rakan sekelasku........
bukannya saya marah atau yang sewaktu dengannya......
cuma....saya takut tempahan nanti dibatalkan......

baiklah......kepada yang belum membayar duit tempahan tag nama.......
hari isnin adalah hari yang terakhir......
segala kataku yang mengguris hati pembaca harap dimaafi.....^.^


Friday, April 23, 2010

syahiirah + wafi = kembar?

baiklah.....ini dia....topik hot!!
agak hot la......
dalam kalangan imtiyazians.....^.^

sebenarnya azma yang perasan dulu.......
disebabkan die terlalu bosan menjawab soalan sains......
so....die pandang sana sini......*fokus memerhati*

pastu azma panggil aku.......*bahasa isyarat*
"usamah......ko tengok wafi.....macam syahiirah!"
aku dengan lembapnya dapat menagkap bahasa isyaratnya......

pastu aku panggil perlahan2 syahiirah and wafi.......nak bandingkan.....
sememangnya sama!!!......
pastu aku dan azma gelak!!.....sebab memang sama!

nadhirah perasan kitorang gelak.......
and then die figure out dengan cepat!......
die turut gelak sekali.....!

aliaa dah mulai curiga dengan lawak kitorang......
and then nadhirah cerita kat aliaa......
pastu aliaa gitau syarifah.....and sampai satu kelas!!

sampai jerr maklumat tu kat sarah......
sarah bagitahu dekat cikgu!.....
then cikgu kate kat kitorang.....

"ye la!....muke diorang sama!"
kitorang semua gelak!!......
semua disebabkan azma yang memerhati.....

pastu wafa' dengan segeranya berkata......
"jerawat diorang pon nak dekat sama!!"
lagilah bertambah tawa riang kelas imtiyaz!

wafi and syahiirah semestinya malu.......
diorang pon tak boleh menafikan.....
bahawa muka diorang memang sama....!

konklusinya......memang tepatlah topik hot aku ni.......
syahiirah + wafi = kembar!
*jgn nafikannya!*


latih tubi....

latih tubi di sekolah sebentar tadi.....
sememang nyerr best!
nk kate senang tak......susah pon tak....

kalo ikotkan.......
memang betol ckp aku.....
30% daripada pelajar yang dtg ke skola.....

sebelom ape2 pon.......
ade 16 saje imtiyazians yang dtg......
mereka ialah.....(kalo terlupe sry!)

  1. me
  2. wafi
  3. farid
  4. zulhariz
  5. haziq
  6. luqman hakim
  7. syahiirah
  8. wafa'
  9. amirah
  10. ainoulhuda
  11. azma
  12. aliaa
  13. syarifah
  14. haziqah
  15. sarah
  16. iki

nk kate best tak.......nak kate tak best pon tak.....
moderate la.....
tu pon sebab kitorang fokus jawab soalan......

oh ye.....sebelom aku terlupe....
cikgu bi kate......markah latih tubi ni.....
boleh tolong markah mid-term exam....!!

so.....rugi la bagi sesape yang tak dtg.......
mmg rugi.....
ok la.....jgn lupe baca entry lps ni......topik hot!


sturgeon fish....

SHAWANO, Wis. – It's been a tough fight for the whisker-snouted sturgeon.

The fish survived whatever killed the dinosaurs and have struggled against habitat destruction and overfishing. Now many of its 25 species are endangered, but a small pocket in upper Wisconsin boasts of having one of the world's largest concentrations of the fish.

The success is because of the state's strict spearing limits, poaching laws, restocking efforts and the popular — and well-protected — spring spawning, which mostly finished last week.

"If we can restore the sturgeon population in the Great Lakes and manage the current population effectively, then we know we are doing a pretty good job of managing the other aspects of the aquatic community," said state sturgeon expert Ron Bruch.

In Lake Winnebago there are now around 40,000 lake sturgeons, likely where the population was in the 1800s, Bruch said. In the 1950s, it was 10,000. Whereas in the Great Lakes system, there are now about 156,750, less than 1 percent of what it was in early 1800s, said Rob Elliott, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist.

Thousands from around the state and elsewhere visit the Lake Winnebago system tributaries to watch the enormous fish writhe and splash as they lay eggs in shallow, moving water. The fish, which grow up to 300 pounds and look like a cross between a catfish and shark, are close enough to touch.

for more information....




B.M diserlahkan.....

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pembuka bicara.....
seperti yang anda sedia maklum......
saya telah menukar cara penyampaian saya.....

iaitu daripada bahasa inggeris ataupun di dalam bahasa arab.....
bahasa injiliziyyah....kepada bahasa melayu lama bercampur moden.....
harap penggunaan ayat saya tidak terlalu ketara.....

hal ini demikian kerana markah penskoran yang telah saya.....
peroleh daripada ujian yang lepas.....
yang telah memalukan saya.....iaitu 40%....

oleh itu.....saya perlu mengasah bakat saya dalam bidang bahasa......
khususnya bahasa melayu.....
saya malu tidak tahu berbahasa ibunda.....

segala kesalahan harap dimaafkan.....
jikalau berkesempatan.....
perbetulkan untuk saya.....

buah nangka di luar pagar,
ambil galah tolong jolokkan,
saya ini baru belajar,
salah silap tolong ajarkan.


550th entry...

50 entry telah berlalu.....
apa yang anda dapat?
adakah info yang baru atau habuk pon tarak?

hidup bak tajuk pantun oleh william shakespear.....
life's brief candle.....
itu teramatlah benar.....

harap2 segala kesilapan yang sedikit sebanyak.....
mengguris hati para pembaca......
harap maaf!!

segala kekurangan yang perlu saya tambah.....
jangan malu2 untuk menyatakannya.....
di shout mix sebelah^.^



cita2 aku untuk menjadi pensyarah.....
dalam bidang bahasa......
dan lebih spesifik.....bahasa sepanyol/perancis....

aku kene mule dri sekarang......
hidup ber-responsible.....(blueekk!)
dan memahirkan diri dalam aspek komunikasi.....

hal ini boleh dilihat apabila berada di sesi persekolahan......
bak kate ayah saya......
"dh mcm bdk univesiti.....byk sgt kerja/buku!"

majoriti daripada kelas saya......?
seringkali......menyuruh saya menghantar buku/kerja......
disebabkan saya lebih mengenali guru/responsible?

lagipon......saya tak pernah terasa/terfikir aku ni diseksa......
malah.....saya berasa gembira.....
sebab.....insya-Allah saya ikhlas melakukan kerja/penghantaran.....

seperti di dalam buku teks pendidikan islam....bab adab/akhlak.....
antara adab menjalankan tugas.....
-->ikhlas melakukan pekerjaan/tugas.....

selain itu.....dpt juga saya merapatkan kembali.....
ukhuwah antara pelajar dan guru.....
dengan berbincang dan bersembang hal yg sepatutnya.....

suruh saje saya untuk melakukan tugasan.....
saya suke!

tapi....pandai2 korang la ye.....
tgk2 la mood aku waktu tu.....
tpi insya-Allah aku jarang menjadi "buas"....


school transform!

wah2......dh ber"transform" dowh skola aku ni.....
semenjak ade "orang itu"
sekolah ni dh makin jdi "baik!"....(no offense)

bukan ape....kitorg ni....
hanye memerlukan bimbingan yang seiring.....
dengan pembetukan dan zaman globalisasi ni.....

bayangkan.....SEMUA pelajar.....
tight in seluar sampai ke paras pusat......
*sakit mata!*

ok.....habis dh sesi kutuk skola.....
lgi pon.....esok ade ganti sekolah.....
tak kisah Sek.9...SSAAS....Sek.7....or mane skola pon!

kitorang punyerr skola esok ade latih tubi.....
kene beli kertas kajangT_T
guarantee aku takkan beli....haha!^.^

yup.....sememang nyerr takkan banyak pelajar dtg esok.....
dh la buat hari cuti......kene buat latih tubi plak tu!
lebih kurang 30% jerr kot yg akan dtg....?


baiklah....mule2 skali aku nk gitau korang....
bahawa aku jumpe seekor arnab!!

arnab tu actually terlepas dri jagaan tuan die.....
but kitorang tak mengetahui siapakah tuannya.....
so....kitorang simpan untuk sementara waktu....

yang best nyerr.....
arnab tu BESAR!!!

sememangnya susah gilerr nak cari arnab tu.....
nasib baik aku bermata tajam^.^
melompat sini sana dalam gelap dowh!

sekarang ni.....arnab tu ade kat dalam sangkar......
actually sangkar tu untuk kucing.....
tpi.....kucing tu pandai2 la jaga diri.....haha^.^

nama die nab or....GIGA...!
sedap kan??

kepada sesape yang tinggal berdekatan dengan umah aku.....
boleh visit bile2 mase jerr!
sebelum kitorang dpt jumpe tuan die balek....


p/s : aku ltk gambar die nnti kot....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

mesuarat MPP...!

ok la......
perhatian kepada Skuad Bersih.....
sila buka laman web berikut....


selain itu.....saya anatara ahli.....
yang berdaftar dalam Skuad Bersih.....
x sabar!!^.^


pantun yang diguna pakai....


Sungguh indah pemandangan senja,
pemandangan senja tepian pantai,
bahasa asing kerap dipuja,
bahasa negara mengapa diabai?

Nan indah dilihat mata,
suasana rupa si anak rusa,
bahasa melayu bahasa kita,
mengapa diabai setiap masa?

cantik gadis semua terurus,
usah ditegur usah disapa,
bahasa melayu kian ditelan arus,
menerapkan semula caranya apa?

burung jelatik terbang bersayap,
terbang tinggi ke negara china,
bahasa ibunda kian lesap,
orang muda janjinya di mana?

Terbang melayang si burung pedada,
terbang merintasi negeri pahang,
patriotisme makin tiada,
di mana semuanya pergi menghilang?

Burung layang sudah bersarang,
sarang daripada sabut kelapa,
unsur patriotisme hilang dan hilang,
punca angkara salahnya siapa?

Cantik manis bila memandang,
anak dara berbaju perak,
patriotisme makin menghilang,
akibat manusia gunanya tidak.

Jauh merantau kini bersua,
bersua kini si burung pedada,
punca angkara salahnya semua,
akibat bantu membantu sudah tiada.

Hidup kita tidak sia-sia,
terbang melayang si burung pedada,
saya cinta akan malaysia,
mengamalkan bahasa ibunda.

Anak merpati terbang sekawan,
marilah hinggap di pohon cemara,
hormati ibu suatu kewajipan,
derhaka padanya ditempah apa?

Tuan puteri rambutnya perang,
rupa parasnya cukup sempurna,
disumpah batu buat si tanggang,
punca angkaranya salah di di mana?

Si anak burung terbang melayang,
si anak burung bernama kenari,
sikap yang indah kian menghilang,
apa cara mendapatkannya kembali?

Menganyam puteri batik nyonya,
kelmarin bermula siapnya lusa,
kesyukuran kita hilang semuanya,
ditelan zaman serta masa.

Sakit tenat si raja uda,
mencari rakyatnya buah peria,
usaha menjaganya kini tiada,
leka dibuai urusan dunia.

semua pantun yang telah anda lihat ialah......
saya punya semuanya........
tiada mecuri di sini.....semuanya original.....

mahu ingin melihat antara pantun wafa'?
haziq?.....ataupun pemantun yang tidak menyertai pertandingan pantun....
iaitu nazirah?.....lihat di bawah.....


Harimau rusa bersama tapir,
duduk singgah merenung nasib,
orang kita semakin terpinggir,
di mana usaha mengubah nasib?

Anak bujang berenang di pinggir,
baju disidai di pohon kemuning,
orang kita semakin terpinggir,
kerana mengagunkan budaya kuning.

Minyak diseludup gula pula dicatu,
orang ramai mengadu penjenayah menyantun,
orang malaysia hidup bersatu,
tetapi mengapa seperti orang yang tak bertamadun?

baiklah....sampai di sini sahaja.....
masa tidak mengizinkan.....
jikalau ada masa lagi......saya berpantun lagi.....


wakil pantun?

ya.....saya telah dipilih oelh Puan Aniza.....
sebagai wakil sekolah.....
bagi pertandingan pantun antara sekolah...!

mereka iaitu rakan-rakan senantiasa berkata.....
"usamah!.....sedap gilerr suara ko!!"
dan seperti biasa.....saya menjawab.....

"kenapa!?!?.....apa sudah terjadi dengan suara aku!?!?"
dan.....seperti biasa juga....
mereka hanya berdiam diri......

saya sebagai seorang yang sabar......
hanya akur dengan telatah mereka itu......
saya sabar ni...!

selain itu.......cikgu juga telah memilih.....
Luqman Arif....Syamil...Maisyarah....
mereka bertiga dari kelas 3 Terbilang......

rakan sekelas saya??
mereka tidak dipilih......
namun....mungkin mereka mempunyai kelebihan mereka di tempat lain.....

kelebihan saya......terletak hanya di mulut.....
pernah lihat saya bertukang?.....sememangnya jarang akan berlaku.....

di samping itu.......wakil sekolah pantun pada tahun lepas.....
yang juga saya berkesempatan melihat gelagat dan gaya mereka.....
ketika berpantun oleh para peserta wakil sekolah tahun lepas itu.....

sememangnya hebat!.....
tidak terkata saya!
hanya tangan bergerak untuk menepuk tangan!

baiklah.....terlalu aneh jika melihat saya menggunakan bahasa seperti ini.....
sungguh aneh!.....



setelah sekian lama.....
dapat jugak ber-on9!~

ok la....sebagai pembuka kepada entry kali ni.....
aku nk gitau korg bende yg pling best!!!!!!^.^
mesti korg terjerit/terlolong kat lorong umah korg punyerr!(buat skang!)

telah berjaya meraih tempat pertama dlm pertandingan pantun!!!!

itulah berkat daripada keperahan otak saya dan zalawajik......
haziq tidak begitu membantu kecuali ketika di pertandingan itu sendiri.........

okay lah.......
first skali.....kitorg terpakse melawan kelas 3 Terbilang laki......
mmg terketar2 tgn....kaki....seluruh tubuh badanku!

sungguh malang tgn aku mencabut tuah!!.....
no.4 which kene lwn ngan 3 Terbilang......

pastu ade la aku merepek2......
seriously.....susah gilerr!!...
dh la first time!

but...its all worth it.....
kitorg mng^.^
us-->323.................3 Ter-->317

yg lgi teruk......
kitorg kene lwn lgi......tanpa rehat!!
bdk pompuan kelas 3 Terbilang!.....

biase la kan.....pompuan.....
mesti hebat2 belaka.....
namun....kitorg dpt mengatasi kemampuan mereka!

sememangnya sengit skali!!!.....
mereka x dpt jwb satu soalan.....seperti kitorg gak~
pastu.....pergghhh!....aku cube berpantun dlm gaya yg pling bergaya!!

kitorg waktu lawan ngan diorg.....
x lah first time....
dh relax skit......

but....hear this!...
kitorg ngan wajah yg penuh pervert nyerr....
meminta rehat!!...utk pegi membuang ape yg x diingini...!!(toilet)

skali lgi......mmg sengit!!!.....
akhir nyerr.....setelah berpeluh....ngan soalan yg begitu pedas skali....~~
us-->220!!!..........3 Terbilang-->219!!!

baiklah anda semua.....
maaf kerana kekeliruan yang telah dialami.....
dalam proses membaca keseluruhan entry pada kali ini.....


Saturday, April 17, 2010

dangerous ingredients!~

Ingredient Why it is Used Why it is Bad
Artificial Colors
  • Chemical compounds made from coal-tar derivatives to enhance color.
  • Linked to allergic reactions, fatigue, asthma, skin rashes, hyperactivity and headaches.
Artificial Flavorings
  • Cheap chemical mixtures that mimic natural flavors.
  • Linked to allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema, hyperactivity and asthma
  • Can affect enzymes, RNA and thyroid.
Artificial Sweeteners
(Acesulfame-K, Aspartame, Equal®, NutraSweet®, Saccharin, Sweet’n Low®, Sucralose, Splenda® & Sorbitol)
  • Highly-processed, chemically-derived, zero-calorie sweeteners found in diet foods and diet products to reduce calories per serving.
  • Can negatively impact metabolism
  • Some have been linked to cancer, dizziness hallucinations and headaches.
Benzoate Preservatives


  • Compounds that preserve fats and prevent them from becoming rancid.
  • May result in hyperactivity, angiodema, asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, tumors and urticaria
  • Can affect estrogen balance and levels.
Brominated Vegetable Oil


  • Chemical that boosts flavor in many citric-based fruit and soft drinks.
  • Increases triglycerides and cholesterol
  • Can damage liver, testicles, thyroid, heart and kidneys.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Cheap alternative to cane and beet sugar
  • Sustains freshness in baked goods
  • Blends easily in beverages to maintain sweetness.
  • May predispose the body to turn fructose into fat
  • Increases risk for Type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer
  • Isn’t easily metabolized by the liver.

(Monosodium Glutamate)

  • Flavor enhancer in restaurant food, salad dressing, chips, frozen entrees, soups and other foods.
  • May stimulate appetite and cause headaches, nausea, weakness, wheezing, edema, change in heart rate, burning sensations and difficulty in breathing.
  • An indigestible fat substitute used primarily in foods that are fried and baked.
  • Inhibits absorption of some nutrients
  • Linked to gastrointestinal disease, diarrhea, gas, cramps, bleeding and incontinence.
Shortening, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils
(Palm, Soybean and others)
  • Industrially created fats used in more than 40,000 food products in the U.S.
  • Cheaper than most other oils.
  • Contain high levels of trans fats, which raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol, contributing to risk of heart disease.


air traffic...!

LONDON – A lingering volcanic ash plume forced extended no-fly restrictions over much of Europe on Saturday, as scientists warned that activity at a volcano in Iceland had increased and showed no sign of abating — a portent of more travel chaos to come.

Scientists say that because the volcano is situated below a glacial ice cap, the magma is being cooled quickly, causing explosions and plumes of grit that can be catastrophic to plane engines if prevailing winds are right.

"The activity has been quite vigorous overnight, causing the eruption column to grow," Icelandic geologist Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson told The Associated Press on Saturday. "It's the magma mixing with the water that creates the explosivity. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight."

An expansive cloud of grit hovered over parts of western Europe on Saturday, triggering extended flight bans that stranded people around the globe. Forecasters said light prevailing winds in Europe — and large amounts of unmelted glacial ice above the volcano — mean that the situation is unlikely to change in the coming days.

This aerial image shows the crater spewing ash and plumes of grit  at the summit of the volcano in southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull  glacier Saturday

other info...


nominees for AJK and other things~

today is the day!!....
its like the real thing!

our mosque make an "election"
to pick manager....chairman...AJK....
treasurer not included....

but its awesome!!!^.^
Dato Safiruddin beats all the nominees.....
like he is the most influential in the neighbourhood!!!....

well....actually....he is.....
he is known as "Pakcik Tekreot" the kids...
and favorite grown-up!!....

btw.....the pre-matured election are one of the best thing....
that the mosque have in the schedule.....!

btw....i forgot/lazy to type who got the positions....
just check it out in our mosque....
they will put it....maybe~

there a few of my father friends.....
got the position of AJK......
my father didnt get it.....hes out working.....

wait....patience needed^.^



and now.....
my beloved mom....
makes dadih!!....^.^

for now.....
my mom wants give people to taste it first......
before start selling it....maybe...

and for the first time.....
my mom make vanilla dadih!!^.^
its really yummy.....and im not a fan of dadih...!

i give my friends a bit.....
they said 10/10!...
my mom was satisfied enough.....

well.....its not my mother dream.......
to sell dadih.....?
its just for fun.....

haha.....and if we sell it.....
we dont make much profit either.....
so....with a sincere purposes only.....

and the advantages.....
i can learn how to make delicious dadih!!....
maybe it will passed generations to generations!^.^

for now....
my mom and some of her sister.....
have mastered our family secret recipes!!....

to end this entry.....
just want to tell you something....!
my mother create a secret recipe!!!!^.^


Friday, April 16, 2010

arabic language tuition.....

attention everyone.....
especially my friends.....
whether close or not....

if you are taking arabic languge......
only form 3 and taking arabic language exam....
in PMR.....

and if you dont have/cant find any arabic language tuition......
i have a solution!!!.....
just tell me....

insya-Allah i can put you in arabic language tuition......
either with me.....
or not.....


Raja beday!

this is not Raja......
from indian religion!...

his name is.....
Raja Isezwan?....right?
okay....dont care bout that~

the main topic here....
its his beday!!!....
i know im late to wish that.....

but hey.....better late than never!...^.^
TO YOU!!^.^

i have a present to you!...
just in my blog....(video)
not in the real what i mean...^.^


thats all.....
before that....


Tae Kwan Do...~

i hate it!!....
i really really hate it!!....
beyond hate it!!....

how come im not hate it?!?!
for 5 years Tae Kwan Do.....!!
have class in the school....!!!

and now....
some creature in the school....
(censored name[s])

blocked Tae Kwan Do class!!!!!!!
his/her excuse was......
"Tae Kwan Do does not have the evidence to do class in this school"

im so so angry!!....

why not tellling us earlier?!?!

now.....we must do classes.....
at Pusat Akuatik....!!
such a drag!.... "peaced" off!!....
we.....the innocent side must write a letter to the government.....
which we dont know whether they will reply or even read it!!!!

for the last two years.....
i hate Tae Kwan Do....honestly....
but love to Tae Kwan Do are increasing!

but why?!?!
WHY ME?!?!?!
[this entry is just for telling others purposes]


new members in imtiyaz!!

his name.....
from Sekolah Integrasi Masjid.....??

but.....he is a religious boy.....
he study tauhid....and other things i cant pronounce it.....
and he good at arabic language!!......

now....our competitive become more hard......
he seems like a smart boy.....
aliaa...ainoul...syarifah....wafa'....and now wafi....!!

same like fikri......
they take PD....perdagangan....not KT
so....they will take PMR at their previous school.....

its sad you know......
especially for Fikri situation........
he will go back to P.Pinang just to take PMR...!

now.....there are 3 boys enter our class in 2010.....
Raja...Fikri....and Wafi......
i hope we can expand more.....than just 32 people....

and oh yeah!!.....this thing just popped in my mind...!!!
since we have Wafi......we can tease Wafa'!!!.....

nothing more to tell.......
thats all i think......
i just want to tell imtiyazians one thing...... all must finish......
all homeworks that teachers gave......
teachers now complain about imtiyaz you know?....


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

camp fire song song!

i dont know what happen to me.....

i love songs in cartoon!....
like in phineas and ferb...fairly oddparents and especially SPONGEBOB!!!^.^
me and athirah are crazy about spongebob songs!!!^.^

i found one more song in spongebob cartoon......
can you be faster than them??


try to understand.....^.^
i hate them.....
they messed up a little....


the suitable creature to say "OMG!"



aduan rakyat....~

memandangkan aduan rakyat ini......
hanya untuk malaysia.....

dan bukannya antarbangsa.......
menulislah saya dalam bahasa ibunda.....
bahasa melayu.......

sudah sekian lama rakan-rakan saya memberitahu saya......
perihal aduan rakyat......
ya....aduan rakyat.....

sebelum pergi lebih jauh......
saya ingin meminta maaf atas penggunaan bahasa ini.....
hal ini demikian saya perlu berlatih menggunakan bahasa Melayu......

bersambung semula......
aduan rakyat kini telah menarik perhatian.....
semua lapisan masyarakat sama ada muda ataupun tua.......

di samping itu......secara tidak langsung.....
aduan rakyat telah mengeratkan lagi perhubungan......
antara rakyat dan kerajaan......

selepas itu.......program yang cukup menyedarkan rakyat Malaysia.......
itu telah dapat sedikit sebanyak mengubah......
perspektif dan pandangan masyarakat terutamanya remaja......

justeru......jika ada syurga.....ada neraka.....
ada kebaikan......adalah keburukan......
keburukan di sini tidaklah sebegitu teruk sekali.......

ianya hanya dengan ejekan dan kutukan pedas.......
oleh anak-anak muda zaman moden ini.......
mereka hanyalah mengutuk pengacaranya sahaja......

Karam Singh Walia.......
dia sering dikutuk tentang gaya apabila dia bercakap.......
seringkali dia akan memberikan pantun yang cukup bagus.......

cukup sampai di sini sahaja........
sebelum saya mengundur diri......
saya ingin anda melayari......

muka utama aduan rakyat......
tekan di -->SINI<--

manakala jika ingin menjadi peminat di Facebook.....
tekan di -->SINI<--


another earthquake!....

BEIJING – A series of strong earthquakes struck a mountainous Tibetan area of western China on Wednesday, killing at least 400 people and injuring more than 10,000 as houses made of mud and wood collapsed, officials said. Many more people were trapped and the toll was expected to rise.

The largest quake was recorded by the U.S. Geological Survey as magnitude 6.9. In the aftermath, panicked people, many bleeding from their wounds, flooded the streets of a Qinghai province township where most of the homes had been flattened. Students were reportedly buried inside several damaged schools.

Paramilitary police used shovels to dig through the rubble in the town, footage on state television showed. Officials said excavators were not available and with most of the roads leading to the nearest airport damaged, equipment and rescuers would have a hard time reaching the area. Hospitals were overwhelmed, many lacking even the most basic supplies, and doctors were in short supply.

Downed phone lines, strong winds and frequent aftershocks also hindered rescue efforts, said Wu Yong, commander of the local army garrison, who said the death toll "may rise further as lots of houses collapsed."

With many people forced outside, the provincial government said it was rushing 5,000 tents and 100,000 coats and blankets to the mountainous region, at around 13,000 feet (4,000 meters) -high and where night time temperatures plunge below freezing.

Workers were racing to release water from a reservoir in the disaster area where a crack had formed after the quake to prevent a flood, according to the China Earthquake Administration.

The Wednesday quake, which struck at 7:49 a.m. local time (2349 GMT, 7:49 p.m. EDT), was centered on Yushu county, in the southern part of Qinghai, near Tibet, with a population of about 100,000, mostly herders and farmers.

The USGS recorded six temblors in less than three hours, all but one registering 5.0 or higher. The China Earthquake Networks Center measured the largest quake's magnitude at 7.1. Qinghai averages more than five earthquakes a year of at least magnitude 5.0, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. They normally do not cause much damage in the sparsely populated province.

Residents fled as the ground shook, toppling houses made of mud and wood, as well as temples, gas stations, electric poles and the top of a Buddhist pagoda in a park, witnesses and state media said. The quake also triggered landslides, Xinhua said.

"Nearly all the houses made of mud and wood collapsed. There was so much dust in the air, we couldn't see anything," said Ren Yu, general manager of Yushu Hotel in Jiegu, the county's main town. "There was a lot of panic. People were crying on the streets. Some of our staff, who were reunited with their parents, were also in tears."

More than 100 guests of the hotel, which was relatively undamaged, were evacuated to open spaces such as public squares, Ren told The Associated Press by phone. After transporting guests to safety, hotel staff then helped in rescue efforts in other buildings, Ren said.

"We pulled out 70 people, but some of them died on the way to the hospital," Ren said, adding other survivors were put in tents in the hotel yard while they awaited assistance.

The death toll rose to about 400 by afternoon, according to China Central Television. Emergency official Pubucairen, who goes by only one name, was quoted as saying that the number of injured has risen to more than 10,000. The official said rescuers were treating the injured at hospitals, race tracks and sports stadiums.

President Hu Jintao sent a vice premier to supervise rescue efforts and more than 5,000 soldiers, medical workers and other rescuers were mobilized, joining 700 soldiers already on the ground, Xinhua said. A message of sympathy also came from the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of the often fervently Buddhist Tibetans who is reviled by Chinese leaders.

Yushu and its environs are among the Tibetan areas caught up in the anti-government protests that swept the region in March 2008. Tensions have simmered since, and the region has been closed to foreigners off and on.

CCTV reported that soon after the quake, troops secured banks, oil depots and caches of explosives.

Yushu was for centuries home to important Buddhist monasteries and a trading hub and gateway to central Tibet. In recent years, the government has poured investment into Yushu, opening an airport last year and building a highway to the provincial capital of Xining.

The seismically active region saw a magnitude-7.9 quake two years ago that left almost 90,000 people dead or missing in neighboring Sichuan province 400 miles (650 kilometers) away. Poor design, shoddy construction and the lax enforcement of building codes were found to be rampant.

In Jiegu, about 20 miles (30 kilometers) from the epicenter, the local fire brigade was trying to rescue 20 students stuck inside a school, Kang Zifu, head of the rescue team, told state television. It did not say what type of school it was.

Five students were killed and others trapped in a primary school, a teacher told Xinhua, saying morning classes had not yet started when the quake struck. Another official said students were buried at several primary schools.

More than 85 percent of houses had collapsed in Jiegu, which Tibetans call Gyegu, while large cracks have appeared on buildings still standing, the official Xinhua News Agency cited Zhuohuaxia, a local publicity official, as saying.

"The streets in Jiegu are thronged with panic and full of injured people, with many of them bleeding from their injuries," said Zhuohuaxia, who goes by one name.

A monk named Luo Song from a monastery in Yushu county said his sister who worked at a local orphanage told him three children were sent to a hospital but the facilities lacked equipment.

"She said the hospitals are facing a lot of difficulty right now because there are no doctors, they have only bandages, they can't give injections, they can't put people on intravenous drips," the monk said by phone while on a visit to the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. Rural hospitals typically are not well equipped.

A local military official, Shi Huajie, told CCTV rescuers were working with limited equipment.

"The difficulty we face is that we don't have any excavators. Many of the people have been buried and our soldiers are trying to pull them out with human labor," Shi said. "It is very difficult to save people with our bare hands."